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Boarding School Preparation

​새로운 환경에서 생활하고 공부를 시작 할 초, 중, 고등학생들을 위한  Boarding School 입합 진행 과정입니다.

​정해진 boarding school 입학을 돕는 여타 한국의 Prep School과는 달리 Youra College Prep에서는 학생에게 맞는 미국 전역의 boarding school들을 리스트업하여 학부모님과 학생이 원하는 학교에 진학 할 수 있도록 가이드해드립니다.

Youra College Prep offers a comprehensive boarding school admission process tailored to elementary, middle, and high school students who are about to embark on their academic journey in a new environment.

In contrast to other Prep Schools in Korea that solely focus on specific boarding school admissions, we take a different approach. We compile a list of boarding schools across the United States that best suit each student's preferences and needs. Through this personalized approach, we guide both students and parents to achieve admission to the boarding school of their choice.

​학교 선정

학생의 성적과 성향, 부모님의 의견을 통합하여 학교 선정을 합니다.

Youra College Prep과 연계된 학교 뿐만이 아닌 학생과 학부모님의 의사를 적극 반영한 학교 선택으로

​후회 없는 boarding school 진학을 돕습니다.

Youra College Prep takes a holistic approach to school selection by integrating students' academic performance, personal inclinations, and parents' opinions. Our goal is to assist in making a boarding school choice that not only includes schools affiliated with Youra College Prep but also reflects the active input and desires of both students and parents.

Through this collaborative process, we strive to ensure a boarding school admission that leaves no room for regrets, leading to a fulfilling educational experience for the students.

학교 지원

Application form 작성부터 Essay 작성, 그리고 인터뷰 준비까지 학생이 원하는 학교에 진학 할 수 있도록​ 종합적 가이드를 제공합니다. 학교 지원 중 학교측과 꾸준한 연락을 통하여 진학과 관련 된 부모님과 학생의 궁금증을 해소시켜드립니다.

Youra College Prep provides guidance from completing the application form to writing essays and preparing for interviews, ensuring that students can successfully apply to the schools they desire. Throughout the application process, we maintain consistent communication with the schools and address any inquiries or concerns from both parents and students regarding their academic journey and college admissions.

I-20 발급

​학교 합격 후 비자를 위한 I-20 발급을 진행합니다. I-20 발급 진행 중 학비와 학교 system에 관한 전반적 정보를 학생과 학부모님께 제공합니다.


Youra College Prep assists with the issuance of the I-20 form for visa application after the school acceptance. During the process of I-20 issuance, we provide students and parents with comprehensive information regarding tuition fees and the overall school system.

​입학 준비

입학 전 Your Curriculum을 통해 학생이 학교 공부에 잘 적응 할 수 있도록 지도합니다.

Before admission, Youra College Prep guides students through "Your Curriculum" to ensure they can adapt well to their school studies. This tailored curriculum is designed to prepare students effectively for their upcoming academic journey.


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